Hank Brekke

March 27, 2020,

Running Selenium Test Suite in AWS CodeBuild

Modern web applications should include at least a few tests, and increasingly those tests are integration tests instead of unit tests. Integration tests (or “system tests” or “functional tests”) prove that an application works the way the business needs, rather than the way a developer designed it (i.e. unit tests). In a web app, that often means using Selenium to connect into Google Chrome, Firefox, etc., and simulating the clicks and keypresses that a user performs. Selenium is easy to set up on your development machine, and you can have your first test written within a few hours.

But adding your integration tests into your CI environment, which doesn’t have a browser or even a window system, like x11, is a much larger task. Thanks to docker-selenium and @dtinth, we’re able to launch a pre-configured Google Chrome and record the test run to an MP4 video (so we can watch any failures).

Let’s dive into a buildspec.yml for AWS CodeBuild that lets us run Selenium:

version: 0.2
    APP_TARGET_URL: https://qa1.example.com
    APP_CREDENTIALS: MySecretsManagerItem:app_credentials
      docker: 18
      nodejs: 10
      - docker pull selenium/standalone-chrome:latest
      - npm install
      - docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm --name selenium selenium/standalone-chrome:latest
      - docker exec -u 0 selenium /bin/bash -c 'apt-get update && apt-get install -y ffmpeg && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*'
      - docker exec -d selenium ffmpeg -video_size 1360x1020 -framerate 15 -f x11grab -i :99.0 -vf format=yuv420p /home/seluser/recording.mp4
      - |
        SELENIUM_SERVER_URL="http://localhost:4444/wd/hub" \
        SELENIUM_BROWSER="chrome" \
        npm run test -- \
          --format json:test-integration/report.json \
          --format node_modules/cucumber-pretty
      - docker exec selenium pgrep ffmpeg > pidfile
      - docker exec selenium kill -INT $(cat pidfile)
      - docker exec selenium /bin/bash -c "while \$(kill -0 $(cat pidfile) 2>/dev/null); do sleep 1; done"
      - docker cp selenium:/home/seluser/recording.mp4 recording.mp4
    - recording.mp4
    file-format: CucumberJson
      - test-integration/report.json

Note: You can find a more advanced approach to using FFmpeg recording in my newer post about Recording a Selenium Test Suite Video with FFmpeg. It’s pretty cool!

Let’s take a closer look at what’s going on in this buildspec.yml to get our test suite running.


Here, we are defining the APP_TARGET_URL and APP_CREDENTIALS environment variables. In my test suite, I decode the APP_CREDENTIALS environment variable (a JSON string) within the testing code… if that’s not your process, you can remove or change these variables.

phases: install: and phases: pre_build:

This phase tells AWS CodeBuild to ensure that NodeJS and Docker are installed on the machine that runs our job. We also download our dependencies, like the docker-selenium image, npm packages, and we launch the latest selenium/standalone-chrome image and configure ffmpeg to start video recording.

Because we’re connecting to the docker host to run a container, we need to configure AWS CodeBuild for Privileged Mode.

phases: build:

We use npm run test to start our test suite and apply a few environment variables that our testing code will need, like which browser to use and where to connect to Selenium. In my code, I’m using cucumber-js internally, so I also configure a JSON reporter that AWS CodeBuild can parse after the test run.

phases: post_build:

Finally, we need to gracefully stop ffmpeg and copy the recording outward from the docker container. We do this by finding the PID of this process, sending it SIGINT and then polling that PID until it’s stopped executing. Once we know it’s done, we copy the video file to the build machine.

artifacts: and reports:

This is where we tell AWS CodeBuild to take our results and store them somewhere within our AWS account. Because I’m using cucumber-js and AWS CodeBuild includes a native CucumberJson parser, I’m able to see rich reports in the AWS Management Console. If you’re not using Cucumber reporting, you can remove the reports: section, or see if your tool can output a JUnit or other AWS CodeBuild compatible report.

Since we artifact a video recording, we need to configure AWS CodeBuild to store artifacts in S3.

Next Steps

There are a few natural next steps that I’m not getting into with this guide. Feel free to make improvements on this codebuild.yml file for your project.

Here are some things you might want to try:

Stay tuned for a future guide, where we dive into deploying our application using Terraform in AWS CodeBuild, and then tie the whole thing together using an AWS CodePipeline to run all our CI/CD jobs back-to-back upon code changes.

If you have any questions about this article, please leave your feedback by reaching out to me on Twitter—@hnryjms, or give me a follow if you want to read more 💬

Up Next
Recording a Selenium Test Suite Video in CI with FFmpeg